So Much More Than Vitamin C: The Top 9 Health Benefits Of Oranges

These tasty citrus fruits that share their name with their color are thirst quenching, sweet and very popular. But all that aside, there are actually some very powerful health benefits from oranges as well. The summer favorite is packed full of vitamin C, yes, but there is actually far more to the humble orange. Let’s check it out…

Oranges are so much more than vitamin C - check out these benefits and recipes!


A Brief History

Oranges are a sweet citrus fruit, and share their name with the word describing their color. Their ancestors are believed to date back tens of thousands of years, and their exact origin is unknown. It is believed, however, that they evolved from citron fruits in Australia and New Guinea. The first cultivated crops are understood to date back to 2500 BC in China. Oranges are not found in the wild, and are the result of cultivation and hybrids. There are many different varieties of oranges, from the common navel and Valencia to acid-less oranges (which have little taste) and the rather striking blood oranges. As the name suggests, blood oranges have red juice running through their flesh. There are also other fruits that belong to the orange family, and are similar, including tangerines and mandarins.

Chopped oranges

Nutritional Information (100 grams)

Calories – 49
Total Fat – 0.02 grams
Cholesterol – 0mg
Sodium – 1mg
Potassium – 166mg
Total Carbohydrate – 13 grams
Dietary Fiber – 2.2 grams
Sugars – 9 grams
Protein – 0.9 grams
Vitamin A – 4% of RDI
Vitamin C – 98% of RDI
Calcium – 4% of RDI
Vitamin B6 – 5% of RDI
Magnesium – 2% of RDI


Health Benefits Of Oranges

There are a number of health benefits associated with oranges. Many of them are the result of their abundance of natural vitamin C, but there are other nutrients found in these sweet, tangy fruits as well. Let’s take a look at 9 of the health benefits that can come with eating oranges…

1. Oranges Are Packed Full Of Vitamin C

This is the one that we all know, but do you know why vitamin C is so good for you? This zesty nutrient is fundamental to the body’s connective tissue development. That includes the healing of wounds and blood vessel wall support. Vitamin C is believed to minimize the risk of a number of health problems and ailments, including obesity, diabetes and heart disease, as well as improve the immune system and promote healthy hair and skin.

Vitamin C

2. Oranges May Reduce The Risk Of Cardiovascular Disease

Staying on the vitamin C train – the wholesome nutrient is linked to a reduced risk of cardiovascular disease. Low levels of vitamin C in the blood is also linked to an increased risk of stroke, strengthening the belief that it helps reduce the risk of heart problems.

3. Oranges Boost Immunity

There’s a reason vitamin supplements come in orange flavor! Vitamin C is one of the most important nutrients for immunity. Like most citrus fruits, oranges are packed full of the powerful vitamin, and actually have more than many other citrons. It protects your immunity by neutralizing free raticals and fight everyday viruses, like the common cold and flu. It works best as a preventative measure. In other words, if you’re hit with a bad dose of the flu, eating an orange won’t cure you. It’s certainly good to keep your fruit and liquid intake up, but it’s just as important when you’re healthy to maintain a strong immune system and try to avoid catching a virus in the first place!


4. Oranges Can Help Prevent Asthma And Allergies

The vitamin C in oranges can help reduce symptoms of asthma and allergies by boosting your immune function, as mentioned above! A number of studies have found consuming the vitamin has positive effects on pulmonary function tests, decreased respiratory infection, improved white blood cell function and motility, and bronchoprovacation challenges with ethacholine, histamine and allergens.

5. Oranges Are Good For Digestion

All fruits and vegetables are good for keeping your digestive system moving and working. Oranges are packed full of fiber, which is vital to digestive function, keeping you regular. Dietary fiber works in this sense by stimulating digestive juices, therefore relieving constipation.

Blood oranges

6. Oranges May Help Lower Cholesterol

Like any whole foods packed full of soluble fiber, oranges can be helpful in lowering cholesterol levels. A very new piece of research, published in May 2017, looked at the nutraceutical value in citrus fruits, including oranges. Researchers found hesperidin, an antioxidant found in oranges, may be beneficial in lowering cholesterol and high blood pressure.


7. Oranges Help To Promote Heart Health

Oranges have important nutrients that support and promote heart health. They include fiber, potassium, vitamin C (surprise!), and choline. Potassium for example, is a mineral that can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Increasing your potassium intake, while decreasing your sodium intake, can help protect your heart from health problems. One study found participants with the highest sodium diet had a 20 per cent higher risk of death than participants with the lowest sodium intakes. On the other hand, the people who consumed the highest amount of potassium had a 20 per cent lower risk of dying than those who consumed the lowest amounts. More interestingly though was the relationship between potassium and sodium. People who had the highest ration of sodium to potassium doubled their risk of dying from a heart attack than those with the lowest ratio difference.

Heart health

8. Oranges Have Nutrients That Promote Healthy Skin

All fruit and vegetables are beneficial to skin health and promote clear, glowing skin. There are a few reasons these natural whole foods do that. It is partly because they are packed full of water, which rehydrates the body, including the skin. They also have important vitamins and minerals that feed the skin and keep it healthy. Oranges have the important antioxidant vitamin C and beta-carotene, which can help protect against sun damage and pollution. However, having said that, it is still important to use sun safety, like hats and sunscreen. Vitamin C can also reduce wrinkles and improve the skin’s texture, as well as promoting the growth and formation of collagen.

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